Dewey Mister Clone Machine

Sale price$69.95


The Dewey Mister Aeroponics patented mister head is a first of a its kind. This new mister head circulates the water and feeds your plants roots at the same time all with a single air pump in the most efficient and sustainable way possible. The Dewey Mister eliminates the need for a water pump, jet sprayers, or air stones. This is a none clogging mister that allows you can use organic solutions without breaking down. 100% air driven means there is no water pump heating your reservoir. With out a water pump in your reservoir the nutrient water stays cooler, therefore reducing the chances for algae growth. Aeroponics has finally been simplified. With as little as six Dewey Misters and a 18 watt air pump you can run up to a 60 site cloner. The Dewey Mister is the ideal tool to refurbish or retrofit any clone machine, reservoir, or grow tray, and it also versatile enough to be used to brew Compost Teas or aerate your reservior while allowing for a simple cleanup. The Dewey Mister is Made in USA. from nylon 6 food/medical grade material. The Dewey Mister Saves energy using a low watt air pump, and requires far less water and Nutrients than other devices that claim to be efficient.

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